Post-Op Rehabilitation / Post-Surgical Physical Therapy
Post-Op Rehabilitation /
Post-Surgical Physical Therapy

Surgery is scary. Post-op recovery seems daunting. After all, it is a long process in which you go from minimal function and a list of restrictions back to the full function you had prior to the surgery. Meanwhile, all you are hearing about is the horror story of how your friend never got full motion back or, how your aunt still has pain or, how someone else you know had to give up his or her favorite hobby.
This is where we step in. Most of these horror stories are a result of sub-par rehabilitation. We pride ourselves on making you the success story that provides everyone comfort, not the horror story that gives them doubt on if they will ever be the same after going under the knife. We go through this whole process with you, as a team. We can even become a part of your team before you go in for your procedure in most cases; all it takes is a phone call. We are able to utilize our network of connections to give you are suggestion on the best surgeon for you. We are able to perform pre operative rehab to prepare your body for surgery so that you start at an optimal level post operatively. We can be a part of your surgical day as an observer if requested and permitted by the surgeon. We ARE the co-captain of your team, along with yourself and your surgeon, after you are out of the operating room.
During your post op rehab we are in constant communication with your surgeon so we are always moving at the fastest, but safest speed for your recovery. We are there to give you a plan completely tailored to you and your exact type of surgery. Lastly, we are there to push you on the days you need motivation, put your mind at ease on the days where something doesn’t feel right and celebrate you when you finish the process and return to the life you had prior to surgery.